23 January 2013

Circa 2011, Hollywood, CA

Oh to be a fly on the wall during any meeting between Jason Statham and his agent…

Agent: Thanks for coming in Mr Statham!

JS: All right?

Agent: Jason, so have you had a chance to read that script I sent?

JS: Eh?

Agent: It’s called Parker. I had it dropped off three weeks ago…

JS: Ah not yet mate, sorry.

Agent: (Skims over notes) It’s a Robin Hood-like character. An essentially moral man forced into thievery by cruel circumstance.  Compelling dichotomy between his values and his chosen profession. They’re talking to JLo for the female lead; we might even convince Nick Nolte to play a less creepy version of himself. As if! Never mind…

JS: (Scratches chiseled jaw) Mmm. I’m trying to put my finger on how this bloke’s different from the guys I play in The Transporter or The Expendables or The Italian Job, or...

Agent: Well, he’s different, but deep down he’s the same really.

JS: I thought we woz past that typecasting horsecrap mate.  

Agent: It’s called being true to yourself! That’s the beauty of it! It’ll be like a 12-week vacation in Palm Beach!

JS: Well that’s crackin’ innit?  Sign ‘er up Guv’nor!

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